Making A Mistake Doesn’t Make You Broken
… it makes you BETTER. When you make a mistake, you learn better who you are and what you need to
… it makes you BETTER. When you make a mistake, you learn better who you are and what you need to
… is how it will show up for you. It’s just the way it works. If you see things as negative,
… is the only way to OPEN to your future. It’s only when you close one door that another one opens.
… one after another. A moment in time is NEVER forever. A moment can change you and then it leaves you.
… stop talking. You can have the best of intentions and give the best advice but if someone is not in
… that we can truly see OURSELVES. Searching for the self in isolation is a daunting task. You only know who
… not reread. What’s your story? Is it serving you? Is it bringing you to the place you want to be
… but not always for the reasons you think. If someone is standing right in front of you, they are there
… to WHAT’S RIGHT for you. And it pulls you away from WHAT’S NOT. The way to know whether something is
…working through them moves you forward. Patterns are meant to be worked through, NOT REPEATED. If something is showing up in