Small Group Circles

Small Group Numerology circles

In this intimate group setting of 5-6 persons, we will address some of your personal issues/concerns/ challenges and you’ll receive my intuitive clarity on WHY THINGS ARE HAPPENING THE WAY THEY ARE IN YOUR LIFE and WHAT PATTERNS ARE COMING UP FOR YOU and a PLAN FOR MOVING FORWARD. 

In this group session, you will be given your full Life Lesson Report and the Life Lesson Report for 1 other person whom you would like to know more about (lover, friend, colleague, etc.). You will then be given your Compatibility Report for the relationship, a.k.a  the 1 dynamic lesson the two of you have between each other.. 

You are encouraged to bring 2-3 of your personal issues/challenges to the table so you can receive clarity and understanding of the lessons you are running — how they are manifesting in your life — and a plan for moving forward. This event serves as a semi-private session with Donnalynn. Cost: $150/session

Dates: Small Group Sessions are generally 2x/month and announced via email and social media.

If you have any questions, please contact or click here.