Warriors and Worriers
… are opposite sides of the same coin. These are difficult times where it’s very easy to fall into fear and
… are opposite sides of the same coin. These are difficult times where it’s very easy to fall into fear and
… keeps you locked in a nightmare. Dancing with fear is always a choice. Fearful thoughts lock you into a lower
… is in learning to get up faster. We are all continually on a path of strength training and agility training
… you can see where you are. When you are surrounded by others, your view is blocked. I used to think
… there are only different experiences. Bet you didn’t know that? Many of us labor over making decisions for fear of
… you don’t understand it. A reaction is an emotional response to some stimuli or trigger. If you become triggered, that
… sees through the web of lies. Earth is a schoolroom. We are here to learn and to have an experience
… standing ONLY for the freedoms that are mandated to you is not. There is a difference between being virtuous naturally
… is a defense mechanism of the EGO. It’s a highly unconscious method of deflecting attention away from one’s own shadow
… but defaults to comfort. It is in our nature as a soul to evolve, to become better, to push ourselves