“… what are you waiting for.. It’s alright…’cause there’s beauty in the breakdown” – “Frou Frou”
There is absolutely beauty in the breakdown, if we can just let go of our guards and let go of fear. What is it that you are most afraid of? Out of fear, most people strangle-hold situations and other people in their lives. Living your life in a state of fear is akin to living your life in a safe, gray box. No risk, no gain – NO LIFE. Your life only gets better when you take chances and improve upon your circumstances. Staying still collects dust. Moving anywhere implies altering your connection to the universe and invites opportunities to grow.
Often times our fears get the best of us and we stay locked into positions that feel “safe” but not happy. We generally fear taking chances and getting out of our boxes… What if we lose? What if we are not as good as we think we are? What if we don’t think we have any talent at all? Who will be there to catch us if we fall? Who will be there to help us pick up the pieces?
Well, if the pieces of your life fall apart, it is a blessing. It means the paradigm you have created for yourself wasn’t working efficiently. Now you get the opportunity to put those pieces back together into an even better configuration the next time around. Many of us need to smash the structures we have confined ourselves to so we can learn to breathe life into our experiences again. There is beauty in the breakdown. Do not fear it. Let go, jump in and enjoy the experience of being free, and starting something new. You can never lose by moving forward in life (in any direction) but you will always stay stuck sitting still.
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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