… is just a measure of our own incompleteness.
Attacking others for not being what we think they should be to be “better, different or inclusive” is a misguided effort to heal the collective. The collective of humanity only heals when each individual soul experiences its own healing. When we feel the need to make others wrong, we only succeed in fractalizing our own incompleteness.
The way you view another soul is indicative of how you view yourself. If you are filled with love and self-respect, it is impossible to see venom and hate in others. Judgment is a study in the personification of the self. It’s only when we fully accept ourselves that we begin to heal our wounds. And once the healing has begun, we find little reason to make others wrong. Instead, we find every reason to make ourselves even better.
Everyone is here to work through their own personal judgments, but in numerology, those born under the #6 have the greatest life lesson in judgment of self + judgment of others. It is one of the more complex and difficult life lessons to identify because these souls are dedicated to a path of personal growth. They are on a path towards perfection but they can get lost and misguided in their expectations of themselves and others. They can get caught in their own ideals of perfection versus their own personal perfection. We see this these days with “virtue signaling.” Virtue signaling is not virtuous, it is righteous. It is a covert judgment.
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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