… because you have put yourself there.
Nothing ever happens to you in life. You are co-creating each and every experience.
All experiences in life are important, especially the “painful” experiences which always bring you to a much better place, unless of course you allow yourself to go some other place with it. Those painful experiences are what help you to bottom out and clear the slate for a much better experience moving forward. But sometimes we’re not ready to move forward and we choose (consciously or subconsciously) to stay in the painful space because identifying with the pain somehow seems oddly comfortable.
When you cannot let go of a painful situation – albeit love related, work-related or friendship-related, then you are CHOOSING to stay stuck in a situation that is no longer feeding you. At that point you are being held responsible for where you are in life. You own it. No one is keeping you back. You are the only one in your own way. No one has control over your life unless you give it. If you are unhappy with where you are, you need to recognize that no one has put you in that box but yourself. “Bad” things happen to “good” people all the time. But good people know how to move past the experience so they can move forward in their lives. They don’t stay mired in the muck. Keeping yourself stuck will assure you that you will destroy your own life.
You are where you are because you have allowed yourself to be there. If you don’t like where you are, time to get out and move forward with your life. Even if that change seems foreign and frightening, I assure you nothing could be more frightening that staying in a dead space where growth will never happen. It is true, you are where you are because of your choices thus far. But where you are headed is always supremely up to you. Are you ready to OWN YOUR LIFE?
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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