The Seeker of Truth
… sees through the web of lies. Earth is a schoolroom. We are here to learn and to have an experience
… sees through the web of lies. Earth is a schoolroom. We are here to learn and to have an experience
… before it gets better. No one ever said making change is easy. Growth takes hard work. To become a beautiful
… because it EVOLVES each and every day. And that’s a good thing. Because you’re NEVER DONE and you can NEVER
… because you’re always on your way somewhere else. In other words, where you are is always just a stop over
… rewrite a new one. We all have our own stories about our lives – past, present and future. But what
…runs you in circles. It keeps you in a self-imposed loop of doubt. When in reality, you knew the right answer
… doesn’t make it right for you. Or even make it better for that matter. It just makes you tired of
… leave it there. No need to carry it forward. New years are just that – they are for having A
… for change. Let it drive your transformation. In other words – if it hurts you, it will change you. And
… or get OUT of the way. True leaders know how to lead. They set a precedent of behavior for others