When You’re Not Flexible

January 16, 2017

sn_pencil_340… you BREAK.

There’s only so much you can take.

Life wields us many challenges and one needs to be able to weather those challenges without breaking down.

Here’s the deal… Things are not always going to go as planned. And that has to be ok. Learn to be flexible. Learn to go with the flow. Learn to move with the current of your life and not against it. If something is NOT happening the way you want it to, recognize that there is always a reason why and yield to that current. In time, you will see that everything is always working out for you even if seems to not make sense in the moment. And realize that if it wasn’t meant to be happening to you, it wouldn’t be happening. 

Trust the process of your life and yield to the winds of change, especially if they frighten you. Don’t resist those winds, don’t fight against them, you will only get snapped in half or uprooted completely and tossed aside.

Be flexible when things do not work out the way you want them to and just know that behind the scenes, they are always preparing to work out even BETTER than you ever even imagined. It’s just the way life works.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

If you would like more information on Life Coaching Sessions with Donnalynnclick here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here.

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Written by Donnalynn Civello

  • saira19, January 31, 2017 Reply

    I agree with this in general. But what to do if in your own life all efforts to be flexible are seen as a weakness? And people around try to break you even more. I see just one way - "turn life around" even against the flow. Apologize, if my comment is too personal...I just try to find answers on my questions.

    • dlcivello, January 31, 2017 Reply

      Great question! So I would remind you here that there is a big difference between being FLEXIBLE and being a DOORMAT!! You always have to have boundaries - that is integral to preserving your self respect so never compromise that! Flexible never means letting someone else walk all over you. It just means that you recognize that you can't control everything that happens to you and that things that happen generally happen for a reason and it helps if you remain flexible to see WHY that is... generally you are brought somewhere else when you can be flexible. But no one should ever see that as weak unless you are undermining yourself in the process and that is another issue completely. Give me a bit more information and I might be able to be more descriptive... you can submit a full question to the "Ask Donnalynn" program. Just email me @dcivello@www.ethereal-wellness.com and I will answer it for you and post the results on my social media pages (facebook/twitter/instagram) so make sure to follow me for the answer!! Thank you for your inquiry!! Always, donnalynn

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