…stop digging.
After all, it’s not really going to lift you out of that hole, is it? A hole takes you deeper. Once you realize that, it is easier to make another choice for yourself.
We have a tendency to prove our own undoing. We dig ourselves into our own emotional holes. Every time we choose to dwell on negative emotions, we choose to dig that hole deeper. Every time we choose to buy into other’s criticisms of us, we dig ourselves deeper even still. In fact, it is very easy to bury ourselves beneath a shroud of negative emotion, insecurity and inferiority.
You have a choice everyday as to whether you will allow your negative state of emotions to affect you. You also have a choice as to whether you will allow other people’s negative state of emotions affect you. When dealing with others, it is important to remember that those emotions, criticisms and critiques are not yours, so why own them? You NEVER need to accept any of that as fodder to help you dig yourself deeper. It’s simply not necessary.
No one is digging that hole for you, but YOU. If you are in too deep, it is time to throw away the shovel and climb back out. Decide today that you choose NOT to be buried by your own or other’s negative rhetoric. You choose happiness and freedom from negative thought. Your life is yours. At some point, you must come to the conclusion that you are done beating yourself up. You deserve better. Once you can see that, the shovel no longer looks attractive. Trade in your shovel for new soil that will promise to grow you tomorrow’s abundance.
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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