… it’s because BETTER things are working their way towards you.
Yet somehow we never see that.
We prefer to fall into the sadness and depression of it all wondering, “why does this always happen to me?”
Truth is that nothing in life ever happens to you, it always happens for you to bring you to a BETTER place, whether or not you can see that at the time.
The disappointments are never there to crush your spirit or tear you down. They are specifically happening to tell you that what you were hoping for was never a viable option and to keep walking because there is something better suited for you right around the corner.
You can never lose what is real for you. If you lose it, it was never going to be yours for the long term.
Things only leave our lives when it is time for them to be replaced with something more suitable and fulfilling. The mistake we make is in trying to hold onto what is leaving our hands. The universe knows what is best for you and it will always clear the decks to make room for it.
If it doesn’t work out for you, it wasn’t fulfilling you on some level and maybe you were reluctant to see that. You can never lose what is real. If it is not working out, learn to detach from it and move on with grace. Recognize that when things don’t work out for you, it is ALWAYS because better things are working their way towards you. Learn to trust the process of your life. Get out of the way of yourself and get excited for what is waiting in the wings.
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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