… makes sure you’ll NEVER get it.
It’s the wanting that creates all our problems. It’s OK to strive for more, but it is not OK to allow yourself to feel less than whole because of the absence of something in your life.
When you feel as if something is missing in your life, you create a state of lack and that state of lack has a very low vibration and that low vibration will continue to attract more low vibrational outcomes. If you focus on what it is you do not have instead of focusing your energy on appreciating all that you do have, then you are sacrificing your vibrational output.
And why is that vibrational output so important? Because the universe can only read the vibration that you are putting out there and send it back to you as your next experience. So if you are sending out “lack” and “wanting” and “needing,” then the universe can only take a picture of all that and send it right back to you as your next experience. So when you feel needy and want more, you only create a situation where you attract more “needing” and more “wanting” for yourself. This process unfortunately does not create more “having.” Having is considered “abundance” and thus a positive vibration.
Again, it is fine to strive for more in life – to achieve greater heights, but do so from a place of empowerment. See your life as already rich and exercise gratitude for all that you do have and from that positive vibration is the place where MORE will be given to you. Remember lack does not produce abundance. Gratitude and abundance create more abundance. Which state would you prefer to cultivate in your life?
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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