With purity of intention, we can do almost anything in life. Just like the parable of Christ turning water into wine at the wedding of his cousin, when we act with a pure heart and a clear intention to do the right thing, we will always have enough of what we need to succeed in life. In fact, we will find that we will have even MORE than we need.
When you give of yourself unconditionally to others and you work to do the right thing, you will always be supported by God and the universe. In other words, when you consciously work to do good, you will always be rewarded. It is a spiritual law and can be no other way.
For example… when you throw that dinner party and more guests show up than you expected, you find that somehow bizzarely you have just enough food for the extra guests… or when you jump in to help that colleague finish his presentation at the last minute, you find that you end up receiving such high accolades for your participation.
When your intention is pure, success will always be yours. However, when your intention is of the ego, you will find that success will somehow always elude you and the wine you seek slips slowly into vinegar. So always act with a pure heart and the world will always be yours.
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