Being Emotionally Needy
… needs from others. Being emotionally independent needs ONLY from oneself. If you continually need someone to do/say something in order
… needs from others. Being emotionally independent needs ONLY from oneself. If you continually need someone to do/say something in order
… leaves you feeling drained and depleted. We call them “energy vampires” – they take and take and never learn to
… keeps you alone. It doesn’t keep you safe. When we are fearful, we put up walls. We put up walls
… must be in equal measure. ALWAYS. The name of the game is “boundaries.” Giving is a beautiful thing but if
… to make room for what will. We have a tendency to hold onto things and situations in our lives that do NOT work.
… they NEVER lead. We spend a good portion of our lives giving away our power to others. We don’t always
… renders you powerless. Yet we all do it. When you give your power over to another human being to judge
… you WIN. When you give to YOU, you have so much more to give to others – your light shines.
… will never get you the full loaf of bread. Accepting less than you deserve will only succeed in drawing less
… it doesn’t matter who likes you, it only matters that YOU like you. In life, you are not always going