When You Are Alone
… you can see where you are. When you are surrounded by others, your view is blocked. I used to think
… you can see where you are. When you are surrounded by others, your view is blocked. I used to think
… requires a mid-course correction. A mid-life crisis can happen at any age, but the wisdom here is that the secret
… is coming from you. Always from YOU. The external world is just a reflection of your own inner state of
… are the SAME PERSON. They just respond to the same stimuli differently. Heroes take charge of their lives and cowards
… changes everything. How could it not? Change is the essence of life. Nothing ever stays the same. Life is designed
… is a way of distracting yourself AWAY FROM YOUR PAIN. And we all do it. And we are mostly unconscious
… getting out of their way does. After all, if you can’t fix them, you don’t want to get cut on
… rewrite your story. After all, it’s YOURS to rewrite. We all have a story. Our stories define our lives, but
… require healthy people. How “healthy” are you? Are you happy, successful and stable within yourself? Can you be alone and
… makes up the story of your life. What stories are you telling yourself? We all tell ourselves stories. They are