Expecting People To Be Other Than Who They Are
… will only disappoint you. We all have our own baseline expectations of how people should behave in given situations BUT
… will only disappoint you. We all have our own baseline expectations of how people should behave in given situations BUT
… they NEVER stay the same. Why do we think that making a commitment means forever? Our universe is in a
… doesn’t MAKE it work. It just exhausts you. There is only so much you can do to make a situation
… walk away with love. ALWAYS with love. Our lives consist of many different types of relationships, but not every one
… until you don’t have any fight left. If there is someone or something you want in life, you fight for
… doesn’t mean you are finished with it. We think just because it’s behind us that we’re done with our past.
… not backwards. Bet you didn’t know that. Setbacks are a necessary step along the path of life. They are your indication
… is happening FOR YOU – to bring you to a much better place. You are always meant to be MOVING
… running from it is. Believe it or not, pain isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually an indication that you are
…runs you in circles. It keeps you in a self-imposed loop of doubt. When in reality, you knew the right answer