… and give the right things a chance to catch up with you.
I can’t take the credit for this one, but I can uniquely define it. In life, it is very common to chase the “wrong” things. We have a tendency to chase the things we actually do not want in our lives. Why would anyone do that, you may ask? Well, it is rarely ever done consciously, that is for sure. You see, everything in life is energy. Wherever you are putting your thoughts or intentions, that is where your energy goes. Where your energy goes is what you end up “chasing.” It seems to be a complex equation, but a very simple outcome. If you do not want someone or something in your life, do NOT think about them. It is as easy as that. Do not expend your precious energy on manifesting that which does not make you happy.
When you continually mull over a person or situation that has wronged you in the past, you keep your energy locked to that person or situation (for better or worse). When your energy is locked, it is not available to free flow outwards and attract the people and the situations you really do want in your life. It is otherwise occupied. In essence, you end up subconsciously “chasing” after the things you do not want. If you know they are not what you want, it is time to cut your ties to the past which will only ever hold you back and shift your energy forwards. Think ahead, think new, dream big… this will help bring you new situations and encounters that will more realistically match your needs.
Everything is energy. Looking at the past keeps you locked in it – stuck. Break the binds that tie you to the past and stop chasing what you do not want in life. Allow yourself to attract that which you do want and give it a chance to successfully catch up to you. In life we are meant to have everything we have ever wanted, but we subconsciously keep ourselves and our energy pre-occupied with what we do not need in our lives. Life is too short to lament past mistakes and misfortunes. The future, with all your dreams is available at every moment. Seize the day and allow real happiness to catch up with you.
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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