Lighten up

June 13, 2011

Sometimes life overwhelms us with real-life dramas. We allow our lives to be governed by what is going on around us at any given moment. Ask yourself if you are easily influenced by your own dramas? Do you buy into them? Do you make them more real than they need to be?

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. We tend to complicate our own lives instead of finding better and healthier ways of coping with our dramas. We are not put on this earth to suffer. We forget that we have chosen this precious life to learn certain truths. We forget that we are in essence playing a role in a play. Life is a game and if we could realize that we can never really lose, then we might feel better playing whatever bad hand we are dealt.

The problem is that we take things so seriously – especially ourselves. We have such a hard time letting go and laughing – getting out of the way of ourselves. Things in our world are SO serious. We think they have to be. Here’s a new thought… They don’t. Things are what they are; once you attach a label of good or bad to them then they become something else to you. If we could learn to cultivate a child-like consciousness where everything is new, interesting and intriguing but NOT defeating, then we could change the outcome of every situation for ourselves. Happiness is a choice. If we could learn to find simple humor in life’s every day drama, things would never spiral out of control. The act of injecting an air of positivity into our thinking changes the outcome of every situation.

As Dan Millman mentions in The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, we need to find a way to be “unreasonably happy.” This means happy without a reason in the world. From that place, real happiness and an ability to truly open up to life begins. Life is a game and happiness is a choice. Choose wisely and your game will improve exponentially.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

If you would like more information on Emotional Wellbeing and Life Coaching Sessions with Donnalynnclick here.

If you would like to read some reviews on Donnalynn’s Coachingclick here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here.

Written by Donnalynn Civello


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