Learning Life Lessons

April 23, 2013

Unknown… is the only reason you are here.

You are here right now to learn. That is it. That is the big mystery of life. You are here to improve yourself and your level of consciousness. With every lesson learned in a lifetime, you move up – closer to happiness, closer to freedom, closer to God.

This is why it is extremely important that we are consciously walking through life and not sleepwalking our way through it. Sleepwalking is a favorite pastime of ours – numbing ourselves with overworked schedules, alcohol, food, drugs, electronics, media, etc…

If you are ready to be more conscious and want to know what is really going on in your life, look at your landscape. Who are the people and situations around you? How are they influencing you? What affect do they have on you day-to-day?

We make contracts with other souls to teach us our life lessons. Nothing every shows up in our lives that doesn’t have a reason for being and that reason is to teach us something. Our work is to decipher the lesson, overcome it and make our life better because of it.

Wonder what your life lessons are? Here are a few basic life lessons that many people face today:

If you are working on Self-esteem, you will attract people who walk all over you/take you for granted.

If you are working on Anger you will attract people who test your patience.

If you are working on Tolerance, you will attract people who challenge your notions of what is proper/acceptable.

If you are working on Self-worth, you will attract people who try to undermine you/cross your boundaries.

If you are working on Selfishness, you will attract people who are needy.

If you are working on Forgiveness, you will attract people who continually hurt you.

If you are working on Emotional Independence, you will attract people who try to control you.

If you are working on Balance, you will attract people who create drama in your life.

If you are working on Patience, you will attract people who push your buttons.

Now that you start to recognize the pattern, you can make great change in your life and change you WILL MAKE. Learn your lessons – get them early. The longer it takes you to get them, the harder they get. They repeat with each new relationship you have until you stop buying into the lesson and start reacting differently. When you finally get the lesson, it stops… and life continues on – much sweeter and easier.

Are you ready to learn?

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

If you would like more information on Emotional Wellbeing and Life Coaching Sessions with Donnalynnclick here.

If you would like to read some reviews on Donnalynn’s Coachingclick here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here.

Written by Donnalynn Civello


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