Everyone knows that plants do not grow in salty soil, yet in our own lives we often times find ourselves trying to establish roots in a foundation or a community that is not the most supportive of our needs.
In life, it is important to know who we are and what we want and need out of life. Once we know that, we can find the optimal soil conditions to help ourselves flourish. Problems arise when we do not ask ourselves who we are and what we need to grow and become the best we can be. We mistakenly pot ourselves into many beds, many of which never support our dreams, hopes or aspirations. Sometimes those pots are even poisonous to us, yet we are continually attracted to their brightly colored patterns. Each time we think, “Oh, it is such a pretty pot, it has to be right for me! How could it not be?” Sometimes we try and make things other than the way they are. We try and fool ourselves by telling ourselves that the person we are in relationship with is actually the right one for us or that our job is actually fulfilling us on every level necessary. It is much easier to make excuses for bad soil then it is to pull ourselves out of the toxic bed and replant in healthy supportive soil.
Why expect the impossible? Why not be realistic as to the environment that you require to truly thrive? Once you can recognize that the salty soil is holding you back from becoming the best you can be and in many cases, may be killing you completely, then you can make a better choice for yourself. The only pots you want to plant yourself in are the ones where you see great opportunity for growth and happiness. If the soil looks or feels dead to you, get out of the pot. There are many pots just waiting to be explored, no sense is sitting in dead soil. Happy potting!
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absolutely! great stuff, keep it up.
oh, so glad you liked it, Mike!
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