Simply put…
The less you think of trouble, the less of it you get.
The more you think of things that please you, the better you will feel.
And the better you feel, the better things will go for you.
End of story. ‘Tis one of the spiritual laws of the universe.
But in our society, we love to dwell on the negative and more importantly we like to play the victim and wallow in states of self-pity. Somehow we find solace in misery. And as we know, misery loves company.
If we could remember that everything is energy and everything that we attract to us is contingent on our energetic vibration, then we would realize that we are supremely in control of our lives. If we are filled with love and happiness and self-contentedness, then every person and situation we attract to us will be loving, supportive and happy. But if we are focused on self-loathing, insecurity and fear, we will only succeed in drawing to us vibrational matches to those low level energies. And before you know it, we are surrounded with mean, selfish and harsh people and situations.
Think: vibrational match. When you want to attract something, you have to focus on those qualities – the perfect relationship, the perfect job, happy friendships, etc… but at the same token, if we do NOT WANT SOMETHING, we have to be very careful NOT TO PUT OUR ATTENTION ON IT. Our mere attention to the problem, feeds the negative energy and “stokes the fire.” If you do not want something in your life, DO NOT focus on it. If you have to solve it – solve it quickly and objectively and shut it down. Do not get entwined in the emotionality of the situation. That negative emotionality is what will begin to bring forth more of the same and only succeed in complicating your problems.
Not only do you get what you give, but you get what you think about. If you do not want it in your life, do not give it any attention whatsoever.
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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