There is a flow to your life, but many times we resist it. We naturally fear change. So when life provides us with opportunities to grow in a new direction, sometimes we shun it in favor of staying where we are. But there is a reason why life offers new opportunities; it’s usually because it’s time to grow and expand. When it’s time to move on, the universe will push us along our path and challenge us to take a risk to move forward.
You are always in control of your life and if you use your free will to resist this new current, you will only succeed in exhausting yourself. Swimming upstream makes you tired; it’s literally an uphill battle. Surrender is the name of the game. If life seems to be pushing you in a certain direction and you are resisting it, ask yourself why? What are you afraid of? Fears are meant to be pushed through because freedom and success are always on the other side.
Fears keep you small, risks make you great. By flowing with the path of your life, you are always certain to get to where you need to be. The river knows where it ends. Swimming back upstream to change the direction of your life never serves you. If you weren’t meant to be on that river, you wouldn’t be on it. Trust that the river knows where it is meant to be flowing and kick back and enjoy the ride.
Whatever happens is bringing you to a better place, if you can just trust in the process. Stop trying so hard to resist your life. Acceptance and trust goes a long way to helping you create the life of your dreams. Fighting the flow of your life gets you washed out; flowing with it brings you to where you need to be (even if you didn’t realize you needed to be there.) After all, if you weren’t meant to be on that river, you wouldn’t be on it; since you’re on it, you’re meant to flow with it, not fight against it.
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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