Do it Anyway

August 28, 2012

You are not always going to be appreciated for everything you do in life – do it anyway.

We talk a lot about being who you are and about not allowing yourself to feel undermined by others who do not understand you. The same goes for your initiatives in life. When you find what makes you happy and you excel at it, you should continue to do it whether or not others understand or support you.

Nothing and no one should ever hold you back from putting good out into the world. If you are contributing to the betterment of others, an organization, society, humanity, your work and life in general, then that becomes its OWN reward. Always take the higher road because it always leads you to a higher place.

This requires a shift in understanding. Our egos are so attached to being right, being accepted, being appreciated and being supported that when we do not receive that type of recognition, we get discouraged and feel deflated and sometimes lost. Generally this happens in our careers and it is partly because others are not always able to see beyond their own personal situation and that tends to complicate their perceptions of your work.

Again, you are not always going to be appreciated for everything that you do.

You are not always going to be acknowledged for everything that you do.

You are not always going to be supported to do everything that you do.

Do it anyway.

Do it regardless of the level of appreciation, support and acknowledgment you receive from others. Do it because it is who you are and do it because it makes you a better person. Leave the others in your dust. Don’t need for them to see your beauty. They will not always see your greatness. It is their loss.

Whatever it is you are doing, or want to do with your life, do not allow fear to stand in your way. Ego and judgment (by ourselves and others) are our biggest obstacles. In the face of adversity, you should be able to stand up and say “this is what I am doing” and do it anyway.

When you stop caring about the result and the approval rating, your success will trump your wildest dreams. Life is too short, get on it and do it all anyway.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

If you would like more information on Emotional Wellbeing and Life Coaching Sessions with Donnalynnclick here.

If you would like to read some reviews on Donnalynn’s Coachingclick here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here.

Written by Donnalynn Civello

  • Julia, August 28, 2012 Reply

    thank you xo

  • dlcivello, August 28, 2012 Reply

    You are very welcome, Julia! xo dl

  • Lori Hyney Guarnera, September 18, 2012 Reply

    Missed the past two weeks' lessons.. and class. Back to class in two weeks. Can't wait for some spiritual and physical cleansing.

    • dlcivello, September 18, 2012 Reply

      We've missed you to, Lori. Looking forward to seeing you soon! xo dl

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