How could it not?
Change is the essence of life. Nothing ever stays the same. Life is designed to give us new experiences every so often – if we are open to it. But as humans we tend towards repetitive patterns that are familiar to us and thus make us feel safe. But there is a difference between safety and stagnancy. There is NO safety in staying stuck in your life.
Routine has the tendency to inhibit growth and new experiences. Routine keeps you trapped in your own creation of existence. Routine keeps you small; it prevents you from taking chances in your life that could potentially make all the difference in the world for you.
Time to break the ties that bind you – they are the routines that keep us trapped in cycles and cause a feeling of frustration and stagnancy. Your life will evolve as soon you as you allow yourself to breathe NEW life into it. It is up to you… you have to break the cycle; the cycle will NOT break itself.
So if you are feeling stuck in your life, CHANGE IT UP. Break the monotony. Take a risk. Challenge yourself. Do something different and invite the energy of change into your life. Look at things from a new perspective. Take a trip to a new destination. Experience a new culture. Show the universe that you are indeed ready to have a new experience in your life.
You do NOT have to change everything, you only have to give yourself a simple change of pace – in any one area with any one direction and that will ALWAYS be enough to invite the forces of change to dance with you.
Remember you only have to take one step and the universe will conspire with you to bring you the change you desire and deserve in your life. But that first step has to be yours. Staying still will always keep you stuck in your situation, but a change of pace will absolutely change everything for you. What are you waiting for?
Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.
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